Silver Ball Sac
Pinball Club

Sacramento, CA

Divisions will be added to the club on a tiered schedule every 6 weeks if the waitlist contains 16+ players. This will allow things to get rolling smoothly in order to work out any issues that may arise. Division members will be announced 1 week prior to the division start date. Check the calendar.

Division A

Ordered by IFPA Rank

Players announced December 5th, 2023
Begins December 12th, 2023

Division B

NOTE: A full Division A and 16 Division B players are required before Division B begins.

Players announced January 16th, 2024
Begins January 23rd, 2024

Division C

NOTE: A full Division B and 16 Division C players are required before Division C begins.

Players announced February 27th, 2024
Begins March 5th, 2024

Division D

 NOTE: A full Division C and 16 Division D players are required before Division D begins.

Players announced April 9th, 2024
Begins April 16th, 2024

Division E

NOTE: A full Division D and 16 Division E players are required before Division E begins.

Players announced May 21st, 2024
Begins May 28th, 2024